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Change Management

The Four Horseman of the Technology Business

Every technology business has its own culture – “the way we do things around here” – and each is distinctive and notoriously hard to change. But deep in their souls, all technology businesses are shaped by what they sell and who they sell it to. Our questions for you today are:


  • Have you really considered how your company culture should change, and the ramifications?

  • If you want to climb the value chain, introduce new products or new services, or forge new alliances, how will you overcome the inevitable cultural barriers?


Meet the four horsemen of the technology business, the Fighters, Innovators, Engineers and Partners, and be both forewarned and forearmed. 

Don't Provoke the Change Beast 

No technology organisation is ever in a position to rest on its laurels for long, so if you are a leader or aspiring professional in the technology business and need to improve your planning, sales, delivery or systems, you are in the business of change, whether you like it or not! 

In today’s episode we introduce our favourite subject, change management, and tell a couple of war stories, where executives collided nastily with the Change Beast who gorged himself royally as a result of their inattention and naivety! 


Man chatting
The Four Horseman of the Technology Business
Don't Provoke the Change Beast
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