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"If we had used ChangeBEAT ten years ago we would be a lot richer than we are today." 

How you benefit

Here are just a few of the ways we have helped our customers achieve real, measurable business benefits


  • Reduced costs while improving performance 

  • Transformed from a product to a solutions company 

  • Reduced product development cycle time 

  • Implemented business applications, overcoming cultural issues

  • Sharpened market offerings to increase traction, relevance and value 

  • Increased sales pipeline, deal size and win rate 

  • Improved the productivity and quality of project delivery 

  • Transformed product support to provide an efficient, worldwide service at reduced cost


Click here to see many more detailed case studies.

ChangeBEAT measures its customers' success, so we know we have helped executives to generate over £430M ($700M) of additional revenue and over £166M ($250M) of profit. For every $ our customers spend with us, they achieve $58 of extra revenue and $21 of extra profit.

This may sound too good to be true, but remember, it is our customers who lead the way and get the credit. We just help them to make it happen. 


We help you to deliver real, measurable benefits
Montage Group around laptop


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