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Offerings management

A company may have great visions, fantastic plans, streamlined operations and brilliant people, but what ultimately determines its value is its offerings, that is, the products and services it sells in the marketplace. 

In its early days a company may have just a single offering that does a single thing, and its development is at the heart of the company's thinking. Over time, however, market demands and new ideas can easily lead to a proliferation of new offerings, some of which arise from formal product developments and others which are "one-offs" to meet a particular customer or local market need. 

Unless these offerings are proactively managed, costs can escalate out of control or worse, focus is lost and lucrative market opportunities are missed. A company's offerings are its most valuable assets, and the ExecKIT® Offering Management Methodology ensures you manage them carefully and proactively. 

Portfolio management 

Portfolio management is the process of proactively managing your offerings to ensure resources are applied to maximise the return on investment. The ExecKIT® Portfolio Management Module helps you to:

  • define clearly the company's offerings portfolio, their outline scope and development needs

  • identify the potential costs and benefits of each offering (to enable the calculation of the development ROI)

  • enable the effective ranking of investment opportunities and the most effective deployment of resource (money, people, equipment and so on)

  • allow management to monitor and control the offerings as they are developed

Lifecycle management 

Product lifecycle management (sometimes called product management) is the process of managing an offering from the day it is first conceived to the day support is finally withdrawn. In this ExecKIT® module, ChangeBEAT explains how you implement a system that ensures each offering is defined and managed effectively, including

  • Ownership and sponsorship

  • Offering definition, including marketing, sales messages, features and functions, branding, pricing, version release and evolution

  • The review and approval process

  • How information is supplied from other areas (for example, sales, finance and market analysis) to enable decision making

Support management 

Once a product or service offering has been delivered, the customer has a legal and moral right to expect it to operate as agreed. This means that you will need to provide support. You will need to consider what support your customers want and how you will supply it. 

In this ExecKIT® module, ChangeBEAT helps you to plan your support strategy, including

  • Standard support offerings

  • Types of support - telephone, web, dial-in, break-fix

  • Service Level Agreements

  • Contract terms

  • Levels of support (for example, bronze, silver, gold)

  • Support sales and marketing collateral

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Create a plan to ensure your channels are effective
Portfolio management
Lifecycle management
Support management
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