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"ChangeBEAT helped us become a world-class development organisation."


ChangeBEAT‘s change management experience is encapsulated in our methodology WingBEAT. We know that most change programmes fail to deliver the expected benefits. Resistance to change is inevitable, and small mistakes easily become big issues.

This means that successful change must be well conceived, meticulously defined, professionally developed, carefully explained and flawlessly delivered. We also know that post implementation review is vital if the change is to take root.


WingBEAT forces clear consideration of the things you may need to change and provides structure, speed and quality to a programme.


WingBEAT is a four phase methodology: Form; Formulate; Transform; Perform. It recognises the need to build a coalition of supporters and a track record of success.



WingBEAT is fully documented and supported by the specialised ToolSET. It has been repeatedly tested and refined in the field and ensures you get the results you need rapidly and at low risk.


Woman with green folder
WingBEAT encapsulates our experience....
....ensuring you get the benefit at minimal risk
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